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Remembering What This Is
Robert Maoz Kržišnikorder here

“What Robert expresses in this book is hidden from most of us and I am grateful that he does it. I see Robert as a voice in the wilderness. It is as he is sending messages from the furthest (actually the closest) part of reality and bringing them into this life as we know it; into the eternal now as it is and always is.”

Robert Gonzales, PhD Psych.,
international teacher and author, US

“When I opened it and began to read, I heard Roberts voice coming o the pages, but these were not the type of words I was expecting to read. Roberts voice soon became my own, then a higher voice speaking directly to my core. A deep sense of knowing and recognising who I am and what we all are, came through and landed in the most unexpected way.”

Andrew Mulquin,
Complementary Health Therapist, UK

“This owing collection of celebratory incantations reads like an ode/a love letter to Life, a Hallelujah. Each word becomes an act of creation and in the process, the author invites the reader to ride the wave of existence with him in this co-creative dance. Like authentic spiritual armations, his words remind us of the truth we already knew but might need to be reminded of from time to time.”

Sarah Dekker,
Trauma Coach and retreat facilitator, The Netherlands

This Miraculous Life
Robert Maoz Kržišnikorder here

“This book is a testament to the raw power of authenticity. Robert tells us about his life from the inside out using language that jumped o the page and into my heart. I’ll never be the same again.”

Jeff Brown, M.A.,
International trainer, USA

“I would call Robert’s book ‘a love song to life’. Not a naive one though or denying the shadows of it, but truly embracing the wholeness of it, as it manifested in his hands.”

Aga Rzewuska-Paca,
International trainer, Poland

“This is a book about relationships and self-discovery, about the wonder and mystery of themuniverse and this thing we call life. The scope is huge yet the stories are deliciously personal, delightful and relatable.”

Ian Peatey, International trainer, coach and consultant, UK/Romania

“It is such a delight to read this book. So many times in his words I continue to see Robert and his transparency and vulnerability revealing his pain and his shadows, his uncertainties, how many times he did not live according to his values, I see him always moving forward, exploring and growing his capacity to be true to his deepest self in his joy and love. I am so inspired for what I see as the courage and sharing the most vulnerable aspects of his life; his suicide attempt, leaving home and going on a most incredible adventure traveling into the unknown in so many countries, his hilarious stint in the military, the experience in Australia with Yogeshwar, the emergence of the Awakening to Life Intensives…and so much more.”

Robert Gonzales, PhD.,
International trainer and author, USA