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02 Feb -
07 Feb
NE of Lyon, France

Embodying the spirit of connection

A 5-day retreat of exploring the depths of embodied self-connection, authenticity of heart-to-heart connection with others, and of relaxing into the flow of life.
03 Dec -
09 Dec
Belgium, EU

Landing Fully into Life - a retreat

This retreat is a deep spiritual journey of fully bringing our very essence into this life, who and what we truly and fundamentally are, in order to finally start fully experiencing and cocreation this miracle of existence.
08 Oct -
17 Oct

9-day International Intensive Training in NVC

A 9-day immersion experience in an international learning community of about 60 participants, from different walks of life and parts of the world. With my fellow co-trainers Kathleen Macferran, Ian Peatey, Liv Larsson, Dmitriy Kopina.
14 May -
16 May

Before I open my mouth...

In this three-session (each lasts 3 hours) course we will be exploring how our human cognitive systems as well as our personal patterns and core beliefs keep us from truly connecting with others in the spirit of compassion and authenticity, and what can we do about it.
13 Feb -
13 Mar

Landing fully into Life

A five-week inner journey (5 on-line meetings + processes to do in between) of deep self-connection, collecting all of our parts and bringing ourselves, who and what we fundamentally are, fully into this miracle of existence, into this life. Dates not final yet, registrations soon to be open.
04 Jan -
04 Jan

How can feedback deepen a relationship, instead of wounding it

A 2-hr workshop about why, what and how of this very tricky aspect of communication, be it in organisations or in our intimate relationships. Workshop is a part of a communication conference.
20 Nov -
22 Nov

7th Annual NVCFest

At this festival run by the NVC Academy, I will be offering one among 33 sessions, entitled: Oh, no, not again! We will be exploring why we often keep bumping into the same wall, marrying the same person again and again... In order to get a discount, use this coupon when registering: 2020RK50
14 Nov -
15 Nov
Genova, Italy

Joyful collaboration with children (at home, in schools...)

A two-day practical and experiential workshop, exploring how to transcend our personal baggage and cultural conditioning and find ways to establish and maintain dialogical space of safety, care and connection and together with kids move through this life in a nourishing way.
16 Oct -
19 Oct

Global on-line NVC Festival

On this big on-line event I will be offering a session Superpowers within our wounds. We will also be launching NVC Direct Action project, that I am very excited about... Make sure you use the coupon code FPWZAX when registering, in order to get discount.
01 Oct -
28 Feb

When an NVC trainer goes to an organisation...

A train-the-trainer course, consisting of 5 whole-day workshops. We will be exploring challenges of bringing NVC to organisations like meeting gate-keepers, designing the flow, mediating in teams, facilitating participatory processes...
06 Dec -
13 Dec
Ardennes, Belgium

Awakening to Life Intensive

A one-week journey of direct experiencing, sensing and being, of embodying our deepest authenticity, and of witnessing the mystery of existence unfold. Together with my co- trainer Robert Gonzales.
23 Aug -
30 Aug
Virginia, USA

Awakening to Life Intensive

A one-week journey of direct experiencing, sensing and being, of embodying our deepest authenticity, and of witnessing the mystery of existence unfold. Together with my co- trainer Robert Gonzales.
17 May -
26 May
Kranjska gora, Slovenia

9-day International Intensive Training in Nonviolent Communication

An immersion experience of learning and living NVC over an extended period of time, in a diverse international community. Together with my co-trainers Kathleen Macferran, Yoram Mosenzon and Vivet Alevi.
03 May -
12 May
near Stockholm, Sweden

9-day International Intensive Training in Nonviolent Communication

An immersion experience of learning and living NVC over an extended period of time, in a diverse international community. Together with my co-trainers Liv Larsson, Robert Gonzales and Aga Rzewuska Paca.
25 Oct -
27 Oct
Amman, Jordan

Basic NVC Conflict Mediation Training

A step by step training in skills of formal and informal, NVC based mediation in conflicts in our personal life as well as in other social environments.
19 Oct -
20 Oct
Amman, Jordan

Introduction to NonViolent Communication

A practical 2-day workshop on the essence of Nonviolent Communication: self-connection, emphatic receiving and clear, honest self-expression, even in the most dicult interpersonal situations.
24 Jun -
01 Jul
Frankfurt, Germany

Awakening to Life Intensive

A one-week journey of direct experiencing, sensing and being, of embodying our deepest authenticity, and of witnessing the mystery of existence unfold. Together with my co-trainer Robert Gonzales.
10 Jun -
19 Jun
Barlo, Netherlands

9-day International Intensive Training in Nonviolent Communication

An immersion experience of learning and living NVC over an extended period of time, in a diverse international community. Together with my co-trainers Gina Lawrie, Ian Peatey, Yonmi Lee and Justine Mol.
10 May -
13 May
Frankfurt, Germany

Embodying the spirit of Nonviolent Communication

Through the portals of our physicality to a deeper integration of the flow of life. From the magic of following the unfoldment of Life in another, to self connection and mysterious depths of our integrity and authenticity.
16 Mar -
17 Mar
Amman, Jordan

Living in Connection with Ourselves and with Others

A practical 2-day workshop on the essence of Nonviolent Communication: self-connection,  emphatic listening and receiving and clear, honest self-expression.